Postdoctoral Researcher Positions in ICT2024-07-02T09:39:31+03:00
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Positions for Postdoctoral Researchers in ICT (Helsinki, Finland)

Researchers from Aalto University and the University of Helsinki are looking for Postdoctoral Researchers in multiple areas of ICT, including:

  • Artificial intelligence
  • Automated reasoning and constraint optimization
  • Computational geometry
  • Computational health
  • Cryptography
  • Data mining
  • Engineering of LLM systems
  • Foundations of distributed and parallel computing
  • Machine learning, eg. ML systems, probabilistic ML, and privacy-preserving ML
  • Multimedia systems
  • Statistical data science

We are committed to fostering an inclusive environment with people from diverse backgrounds, and researchers from underrepresented groups are particularly encouraged to apply.

The deadline for applications is August 18th, 2024 at 11:59 PM (23:59 UTC+02:00). By applying to this call, organized by Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT, you use one application to apply to positions for both of our hosting institutions, Aalto University and the University of Helsinki. Aalto University and the University of Helsinki are the two leading universities in Finland in computer science and information technology. Both are located in the Helsinki Metropolitan area, and the employing university will be determined by the supervising professor. Please see below for additional information on the application process. (In the section entitled “How to Apply”)

The Helsinki Institute for Information Technology (HIIT) brings together the world-class expertise of Aalto University and the University of Helsinki in joint research centers and programs. There are multiple researchers from either Aalto University or the University of Helsinki participating in this open call. Recruited researchers will work with one of the recruiters, or in some cases, a shared position may also be possible.

Research Areas

These positions are not directly funded by HIIT, but by individual researchers or research groups in the Helsinki ICT community. The Supervisors below are either at Aalto University or the University of Helsinki. Our recruiting reseachers are listed under their applicable research area and may be listed under more than one research area. More information about the professors and/or the research groups can be found below:

Research Interests Research Group (If Applicable)
Jukka Suomela (Aalto) Foundations of distributed and parallel computing, Theoretical computer science, Algorithms, Distributed computing Distributed Algorithms
Nikolaj Tatti (Helsinki) Data mining / Machine learning, Graph analysis, Combinatorial optimization, Approximation algorithms
Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning2024-07-02T14:11:16+03:00
Name Research Interests Research Group (If Applicable)
Luigi Acerbi (Helsinki) Probabilistic Machine Learning, Gaussian Processes, Probabilistic Inference, Bayesian Methods Machine and Human Intelligence
Antti Honkela (Helsinki) Privacy-preserving machine learning, Differential privacy, Privacy, Machine learning Trustworthy Machine Learning
Arto Klami (Helsinki) Machine learning, Prior elicitation, Bayesian inference, Natural science applications Multi-source Probabilistic Inference
Harri Lähdesmäki (Aalto)  Artificial Intelligence & Computational Health, Deep generative models, Deep latent dynamics models, Generative models in biomedicine and health Computational Systems Biology
Jukka K. Nurminen (Helsinki) Engineering of LLM systems, Large language models, Generative AI, Software systems Empirical software engineering
Antti Oulasvirta (Aalto) Artificial intelligence, Computational modelling of human behavior, Human-AI interaction, Human-computer interaction Computational Behavior Lab
Kai Puolamäki (Helsinki) Artificial Intelligence, Explainable artificial intelligence, Statistical methods, Natural sciences Exploratory Data Analysis Group
Nikolaj Tatti (Helsinki) Data mining / Machine learning, Graph analysis, Combinatorial optimization, Approximation algorithms
Bo Zhao (Aalto) Machine Learning Systems, Distributed ML training/inference, Reinforcement learning systems, Data management systems and ML pipeline Aalto Data-Intensive System group (ADIS)
Automated Reasoning2024-07-02T13:52:09+03:00
Name Research Area Research Group (If Applicable)
Matti Järvisalo (Helsinki) Automated reasoning and constraint optimization, SAT, MaxSAT, PBO, Incremental optimization, Declarative modelling Constraint Reasoning and Optimization
Bayesian Inference/Bayesian Statistics2024-07-02T14:10:31+03:00
Name Research Area Research Group (If Applicable)
Luigi Acerbi (Helsinki) Probabilistic Machine Learning, Gaussian Processes, Probabilistic Inference, Bayesian Methods Machine and Human Intelligence
Arto Klami (Helsinki) Machine learning, Prior elicitation, Bayesian inference, Natural science applications Multi-source Probabilistic Inference
Matti Pirinen (Helsinki) Statistical data science, Variable selection, Bayesian statistics, High dimensional problems Statistical and Population Genetics
Bioinformatics/Computational Health2024-07-02T14:10:51+03:00
Name Research Interests Research Group (If Applicable)
Harri Lähdesmäki (Aalto) Deep generative models, Deep learning for single-cell biology, Deep learning for continuous-time dynamical systems Computational Systems Biology
Matti Pirinen (Helsinki) Statistical data science, Variable selection, Bayesian statistics, High dimensional problems Statistical and Population Genetics
Computational geometry2024-07-02T13:59:18+03:00
Name Research Interests Research Group (If Applicable)
Sándor Kisfaludi-Bak (Aalto) Computational geometry, Geometric algorithms, Hyperbolic computational geometry, Geometric intersection graphs
Cybersecurity/Information Security/Cryptography2024-07-02T14:04:18+03:00
Name Research Interests Research Group (If applicable)
Russell W. F. Lai Cryptography, Lattice-based Cryptography, Proof and Argument Systems, Advanced Primitives Aalto Crypto Group
Data Science2024-07-02T14:05:01+03:00
Name Research Interests Research Group (If Applicable)
Harri Lähdesmäki (Aalto) Deep generative models, Deep learning for single-cell biology, Deep learning for continuous-time dynamical systems Computational Systems Biology
Matti Pirinen (Helsinki) Statistical data science, Variable selection, Bayesian statistics, High dimensional problems Statistical and Population Genetics
Extended Reality (XR)2024-07-02T14:06:56+03:00
Research Interests Research Group (If Applicable)
Matti Siekkinen (Aalto) Multimedia systems, XR, Distributed computing, Streaming
Human-Computer Interaction2024-07-02T14:08:01+03:00
Name Research Interests Research Group (If Applicable)
Antti Oulasvirta (Aalto) Artificial intelligence, Computational modelling of human behavior, Human-AI interaction, Human-computer interaction Computational Behavior Lab
Large Language Models and Large Speech Models2024-07-02T14:09:20+03:00
Name Research Interests Research Group (If Applicable)
Jukka K. Nurminen (Helsinki) Engineering of LLM systems, Large language models, Generative AI, Software systems Empirical software engineering

 More information

How Can I Apply?2024-07-01T15:38:00+03:00

In order to find the best match between candidates and supervisors, all applicants need to describe their research interests and how they see themselves contributing to the research in the Helsinki area ICT community.

The applications are to be submitted through the eRecruitment system. By applying through our eRecruitment system, you can apply to multiple projects with one application. Inside of the eRecruitment system, the applicant should mark their intended research area and supervisor(s). Applicants should also upload the required attachments in the eRecruitment system. Emailed attachments will not be accepted.

Required attachments:

(1) Cover letter (1-2 pages in length) which clearly states your motivation for applying to work with said supervisor, your future research plans and how you could contribute to the research produced by the supervisor and research area, and other relevant information.

(2) CV

(3) List of publications (please do not attach full copies of publications)

(4) A transcript of doctoral studies and the degree certificate of the doctoral degree

(5) Contact details of possible referees from 2-3 senior academic people. We will contact your referees if recommendation letters are required.

All materials should be submitted in English in a PDF format. Note: files should be 5MB max. You can upload up to five files to the eRecruitment system, each 5MB.

In the evaluation of the candidates, emphasis is put on the quality of the candidate’s previous research and international experience as as well as the innovativeness, impact potential, and feasibility of the future research plans of the candidate.

Candidates short-listed may be invited for an interview either at the Otaniemi or Kumpula campus or for an interview conducted via Zoom.


The candidate should have a PhD in an appropriate field at the time of starting the position. If a candidate does not have a PhD at the time of the application, a detailed plan of completion must be submitted. The candidate should also have an excellent track record in scientific research with publications in one or more fields relevant to the position. A good command of English is a necessary prerequisite.

Compensation, working hours, and place of work2023-12-11T08:30:48+02:00

The salary for a postdoctoral researcher starts typically from at least 3600 EUR per month depending on experience and qualifications.  Those who are a more senior candidate shall receive a higher compensation in regards to their experience. The length of the contract as well as the start and end dates are negotiable. In addition to the salary, the contract includes occupational health benefits in combination with Finland’s comprehensive social security system. More information about the benefits from our hosting institutions can be found on their respective websites: Aalto University  University of Helsinki

The annual total workload of teaching/research staff at the recruiting universities is 1624 hours. The position is located at either Aalto University’s Otaniemi campus or the University of Helsinki’s Kumpula campus. The positions belong to the university career system and the selected persons will be appointed for fixed-term positions, for Postdoctoral Researchers typically for two years (unless otherwise stated) and for Research Fellows typically three years, with an option for renewal.  In addition to research work, the persons hired are expected to participate in the supervision of students and teaching following the standard practices of the hiring department.

Contact Information2024-07-11T09:56:19+03:00

For questions regarding these positions, please contact supervising professor that you are interested in working with at or

For questions about the erecruiting system, please contact the HIIT coordinator at

Note: Due to the summer holiday season from mid-July to mid-August, there may be a long delay in response time.