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Laura Waldén, Sakshyam Panda, Tomi Laakso, Matias Hämäläinen

MSc Thesis Presentation Mon 23 April 2018, at 15:00-17:00, room A142 (CS Building):
Reserved for the students of Prof. Marko Nieminen!


15:00 – 15:30

Laura Waldén

Topic / Aihe: “E-Service Inconvenience – Customer Perceptions and Organisational Perspectives”

Supervisor / Valvoja: Prof. Marko Nieminen


15:30 – 16:00

Sakshyam Panda

Topic / Aihe:Behavioural Modelling of Telecoms Operators and Attackers: A Cybersecurity Perspective

Supervisor / Valvoja: Prof. Marko Nieminen


16:00 – 16:30

Tomi Laakso

Topic / Aihe:TBA”

Supervisor / Valvoja: Prof. Marko Nieminen


16:30 – 17:00

Matias Hämäläinen

Topic / Aihe: “Exploring the Investor Experience in the World of Cryptocurrencies: Customer Journey of ICOs”

Supervisor / Valvoja: Prof. Marko Nieminen