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This event is jointly organized by the Secure Systems Group at Aalto University and the University of Helsinki. Registration is open!

Secure Systems Group organizes every summer a “Demo Day” to showcase their work during the previous 12-month period (link to the previous Demo Days).

Next Demo Day will be held on June 20, 2018 in CS building. This event is jointly organized by the Secure Systems Group at Aalto University and the University of Helsinki. The Demo Day provides an opportunity for Secure Systems Group to present their work and seek valuable inputs from external visitors. This is a public event and everyone is welcome to attend.

The event will open with HAIC TalkScience of Security – Theory vs. Measuring the Observable World” given by Prof. Paul van Oorschot (Carleton Univeristy, Canada). After the HAIC Talk there will be other presentations, posters, and demonstrations of the research group’s recent results.

Please register through this link >> registration form

See the event webpage for more information.