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The first Aalto HELDIG DH pizza seminar of 2020 will be on Friday 24 January at 12.00 (Maarintie 8 (Aalto University TUAS-building), room 3104). At the meeting, we will have a presentation by Jarmo Peltola (Tampere University), Sakari Saaritsa, Henri Mikkola (University of Helsinki). The topic of the presentation is Typhoid for all: The determinants of unequal responses to a shared waterborne health shock during the Great Typhoid Epidemic of the city of Tampere, 1916. The presentation focuses on an element of the study, GIS-based animation of the course of the epidemic.

For catering purposes, please confirm your participation at https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/ED1070E3D2E574DD or by email to heikki.rantala@aalto.fi.

The Aalto HELDIG DH pizza seminar brings together people interested in the broad field of digital humanities and digital research methods in the Helsinki region. The idea is to meet, talk, have pizza together and listen to a presentation on DH research-in-progress or project by a participant. The seminar has received funding from Aalto Digi Platform. The programme and more information about the seminar at http://heldig.fi/dh-pizza.

Warmly welcome!