About Miikka

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So far Miikka has created 177 blog entries.

Several Postdoctoral Researcher and Research Fellow Positions in ICT (Helsinki, Finland)


Several positions to be filled at Aalto University and University of Helsinki in different areas of ICT:

  • artificial intelligence and machine learning,
  • data science,
  • privacy and security,
  • computational health, and
  • human-computer interaction.

We welcome applications linking two or more of these areas together, and encourage female applicants to apply!

Deadline for applications is 31 January 2018. See further information.

Several Postdoctoral Researcher and Research Fellow Positions in ICT (Helsinki, Finland)2018-05-09T10:45:50+03:00

New AI method keeps data private


New machine learning method developed by researchers at the University of Helsinki, Aalto University and Waseda University of Tokyo can use for example data on cell phones while guaranteeing data subject privacy.

Modern AI is based on machine learning which creates models by learning from data. Data used in many applications such as health and human behaviour [...]

New AI method keeps data private2020-05-27T20:27:31+03:00

Helsinki ICT network: Positions for Exceptional Doctoral Students (deadline January 31, 2018)


The Helsinki Doctoral Education Network in Information and Communications Technology (HICT) is a joint initiative by Aalto University and the University of Helsinki, the two leading universities within this area in Finland. The network involves at present over 60 professors and over 200 doctoral students, and the participating units graduate [...]

Helsinki ICT network: Positions for Exceptional Doctoral Students (deadline January 31, 2018)2020-05-27T20:27:46+03:00

Kick-off event of HiData – Helsinki Centre for Data Science


The kick-off event will present plans for HiData as well as a range of examples of data science within the participating universities. It is also a great opportunity to network with other academics with interest in data science. Anyone interested in data science research or education is welcome to join the HiData network! Also join the open Facebook group for HiData. [...]

Kick-off event of HiData – Helsinki Centre for Data Science2020-05-27T20:27:57+03:00

AI Day 13.12.2017: registration open – Aalto Uni­versity and the Uni­versity of Hel­sinki join forces in ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence re­search


On 13 December, the Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence (FCAI) will host the Artificial Intelligence Day at Dipoli in Espoo, which will allow researchers, companies and representatives of the public administration to meet up. Come join us in discussing artificial intelligence [...]

AI Day 13.12.2017: registration open – Aalto Uni­versity and the Uni­versity of Hel­sinki join forces in ar­ti­fi­cial in­tel­li­gence re­search2020-05-27T20:28:06+03:00

Revolution in bacterial evolution


A research team led by Prof. Jukka Corander and Dr. Nicholas Croucher has made a pioneering discovery about how bacterial populations evolve, which changes dramatically our view into the role of accessory genes in defining the fitness of bacteria. For further details see the news piece from Norwegian State Television and Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute.

Revolution in bacterial evolution2020-05-27T20:28:15+03:00

Studying the intersection of society and technology: Rajapinta unconference call for content


The first annual Rajapinta unconference will be organized in Dipoli, Otakaari 24. The event is open to all interested in the study of digital society or digital methods for social sciences. Potential themes include using machine learning for social sciences, the design of digital systems used by public government, sociology motivated studies of software and developers and any other cross-disciplinary themes [...]

Studying the intersection of society and technology: Rajapinta unconference call for content2020-05-27T20:28:31+03:00

Machine learning guides drug-target mapping efforts


Researchers from FIMM, HIIT and University of Turku have demonstrated that carefully optimized machine learning models offer complementary and cost-effective approach to experimental determination of drug-target interactions, allowing for prioritization of the most potent targets for further in vitro or ex vivo target validation in the laboratory.

Over the recent years, increasing efforts have been [...]

Machine learning guides drug-target mapping efforts2020-05-27T20:28:37+03:00

Distinguished Paper Award at CP 2017


The paper "Reduced Cost Fixing in MaxSAT", authored by Antti Hyttinen, Matti Järvisalo, and Paul Saikko of the HIIT / University of Helsinki Constraint Reasoning and Optimization group in collaboration with Fahiem Bacchus (University of Toronto, Canada), has won the Distinguished Paper Award at CP 2017, 23rd International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, taking place August 28-31, 2017 in Melbourne, Australia.

The work describes a way of using linear programming techniques to speeding up state-of-the-art solvers for the maximum satisfiability Boolean optimization paradigm.

The CP conference series is a top international venue for research on constraint processing and optimization world-wide, and is ranked on the highest level JUFO-2 for conferences of the Finnish publication venue ranking Julkaisufoorumi.

Distinguished Paper Award at CP 20172020-05-27T20:28:52+03:00

50 Years of Computer Science in Helsinki Jubilee Seminar


This year the Department of Computer Science of the University of Helsinki celebrates its 50th Anniversary. The festivities include a Jubilee Seminar on Thursday 31 August 2017, at 1-6 p.m., in the Great Hall of the University Main Building (Unioninkatu 34).

The event is free of charge and open to everyone. Registration is required for logistic reasons. [...]

50 Years of Computer Science in Helsinki Jubilee Seminar2020-05-27T20:28:59+03:00

Collaboration with Aris Anagnostopoulos continues


Aris Anagnostopoulos was a visiting professor in the department of Computer Science of Aalto University from 21 July to 31 July 2017. Aris Anagnostopoulos is an associate professor in Computer Science/Engineering at Sapienza University of Rome. During his visit, he collaborated with the group of Aristides Gionis The problem of inconsistent planning in decision making, which leads to undesirable effects such as procrastination, has been studied in the behavioral-economics literature, and more recently in the context of computational behavioral models. People, however, do not [...]

Collaboration with Aris Anagnostopoulos continues2020-05-27T20:46:46+03:00

Toxicity of chemicals can be predicted computationally


Unanticipated harmful effects of chemicals and drug molecules are a big problem. A significant step in predicting them computationally, based on genomic data, was taken in a study published in Nature Communications. The study was done by HIIT researchers Juuso Parkkinen and Samuel Kaski in collaboration with researchers from Karolinska Institutet, Maastricht University and Institute for [...]

Toxicity of chemicals can be predicted computationally2020-05-27T20:29:07+03:00

Best student paper award at Web Science 2017


At this year's International ACM Web Science Conference (Websci 2017), the best student paper award went to the paper titled "The Effect of Collective Attention on Controversial Debates on Social Media" by Venkata Rama Kiran Garimella (Aalto), Gianmarco De Francisci Morales (QCRI), Aristides Gionis (Aalto), and Michael Mathioudakis (Aalto).

The full paper is publicly available on Arxiv (link).

Best student paper award at Web Science 20172020-05-27T20:29:13+03:00

IEEE PacificVis 2017 Best Paper Honorable Mention Award


HIIT, Aalto and KTH researchers have recently found an algorithmic approach to automatically improve the design of scatterplots by exploiting models and measures of human perception.

Their work has received a best paper honorable mention award at IEEE PacificVis 2017. [...]

See press release and project webpage.

IEEE PacificVis 2017 Best Paper Honorable Mention Award2020-05-27T20:29:19+03:00

Algorithms can exploit human perception in graph design


Algorithms can exploit models and measures of human perception to generate scatterplot designs.

Scatterplots are widely used in various disciplines and areas beyond sciences to visually communicate relationships between two data variables. Yet, very few users realize the effect the visual design of scatterplots can have on the human perception [...]

Algorithms can exploit human perception in graph design2020-05-27T20:29:26+03:00