Make-up of superbug MRSA revealed – with prospective methods to prevent inter-species transfer


An international team of researchers, including Professor Jukka Corander (University of Oslo, University of Helsinki), has mapped the entire genetic make-up [...]

Make-up of superbug MRSA revealed – with prospective methods to prevent inter-species transfer2020-05-27T20:22:51+03:00

A new com­pu­ta­tional method for re­con­struct­ing the evol­u­tion of a tu­mor


Discovering the evolution of a tumor may help identify driver mutations and provide a more comprehensive view on the history of the tumor. One way to tackle this problem is to take several samples from the tumor [...]

A new com­pu­ta­tional method for re­con­struct­ing the evol­u­tion of a tu­mor2020-05-27T20:23:04+03:00

MyData 2018 Conference


MyData 2018 is organised in Helsinki on August 29-31. The core idea behind MyData movement is that we, you and I, should have an easy way to see where data about us goes, specify who can use it, and alter these decisions over time.

The MyData 2018 conference invites you to [...]

MyData 2018 Conference2020-05-27T20:23:13+03:00

StanCon 2018 Conference


StanCon 2018 is oganised in Helsinki on August 29-31. Stan is a probabilistic programming and statistical modeling language used by tens of thousands of scientists, engineers, and other researchers for statistical modeling, data analysis, and prediction. The StanCon 2018 conference consists of one day [...]

StanCon 2018 Conference2020-05-27T20:23:21+03:00

AI Monday on the 17th of September


The next AI Monday is on the 17th of September at 16:30 - 19:00 with Teradata, Google, Technology Industries of Finland and one AI startup on stage.

AI Monday is a monthly networking event for those who are interested in AI. [...]

AI Monday on the 17th of September2020-05-27T20:23:28+03:00

The Time-Traveling Networking Researcher: Witnessing the consolidation and fragmentation of the Internet?


Mostafa Ammar

Georgia Institute of Technology

June 4, 2018 at 3.00pm
in Small Hall, Main Building, University of Helsinki,
Fabianinkatu 33, Helsinki

The Time-Traveling Networking Researcher: Witnessing the consolidation and fragmentation of the Internet?2021-12-09T13:28:54+02:00

HIIT Open Discussion Hour


Time: May 17th at 13:00-14:00
Location: Lecture room T5, T building, Otaniemi

Welcome to discuss current matters of interest to HIIT and the Helsinki region ICT community at large. The Director of HIIT, Petri Myllymäki, will first give a brief status report and go through [...]

HIIT Open Discussion Hour2020-05-27T20:25:12+03:00

Di­gital Hu­man­it­ies in the Nor­dic Coun­tries 2018 Con­fer­ence


Digital Humanities in the Nordic Countries 3rd Conference (DHN 2018) was organized at the University of Helsinki in March 7-9 2018. The conference, organized by HELDIG - the Helsinki Centre for Digital Humanities, brought together [...]

Di­gital Hu­man­it­ies in the Nor­dic Coun­tries 2018 Con­fer­ence2020-05-27T20:25:22+03:00

Leading trends in AI – a new weekly minisymposium


Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence FCAI launches a series of minisymposia on leading trends in Finnish AI research in conjunction with the weekly Machine Learning Coffee Seminars. The FCAI symposium series will provide an opportunity to catch up with the latest AI research [...]

Leading trends in AI – a new weekly minisymposium2020-05-27T20:25:44+03:00