New ways to monitor and reduce underwater plastic pollution


Mitigating underwater plastic pollution is essential for ensuring sustainable development. The Pervasive Data Science group at University of Helsinki has been developing new ways to monitor, and ultimately help to reduce, underwater plastic pollution using underwater drones and optical sensing. [...]

New ways to monitor and reduce underwater plastic pollution2020-10-01T08:24:18+03:00

Brainsourcing is a novel crowdsourcing paradigm


It is now reality to mine the relevance to or interest of people directly from the human mind. With the help of EEG interpreted via machine learning that is possible for the first time. In their research paper, Keith M. Davis, Lauri Kangassalo, Michiel Spapé and Tuukka Ruotsalo introduce brainsourcing. It is a novel crowdsourcing paradigm that utilizes brain responses recorded via EEG of a group of people. [...]

Brainsourcing is a novel crowdsourcing paradigm2020-10-01T08:24:45+03:00

Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence and NVIDIA to establish a joint NVIDIA AI Technology Center


The Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence FCAI and NVIDIA’s joint NVIDIA AI Technology Center (NVAITC) will accelerate AI research, education and adoption in Finland. Thanks to the new collaboration, researchers will be better [...]

Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence and NVIDIA to establish a joint NVIDIA AI Technology Center2020-08-26T07:49:11+03:00

New We­binar: AI and Data Science against COVID-19


Starting on 11 May 2020, Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence FCAI organises a webinar series together with Helsinki Centre for Data Science HiDATA. The webinar series sheds light on how artificial intelligence-based systems and data science could be of help while fighting against COVID-19. [...]

New We­binar: AI and Data Science against COVID-192020-06-16T16:19:05+03:00

Interactions with biomedical data support several kinds of insights


A recent article published in IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics shows how patterns of interaction during visual exploration of data can lead to several different kinds of insights. The research continues the collaboration [...]

Interactions with biomedical data support several kinds of insights2020-06-16T16:35:25+03:00

A growing number of ‘sampos’ are facilitating the work of humanists


The semantic computing initiatives led by Eero Hyvönen have produced 12 publicly available portals that integrate data from various sources and provide tools for analysis. The most popular ones at the moment are BookSampo and WarSampo [...]

A growing number of ‘sampos’ are facilitating the work of humanists2020-06-16T16:23:51+03:00

New doctoral students starting work on multidisciplinary applications of AI


Eleven new doctoral students at the University of Helsinki are specialising in multidisciplinary applications of artificial intelligence. They were selected from the joint call of the 32 doctoral programmes of the university [...]

New doctoral students starting work on multidisciplinary applications of AI2020-06-16T16:45:24+03:00

Predictive models can guide the development of better vaccines and vaccination programmes


Researchers from the University of Helsinki in Finland, Simon Fraser University in Canada and Imperial College London combined genomic data, models of bacterial evolution and machine learning to predict [...]

Predictive models can guide the development of better vaccines and vaccination programmes2020-05-27T20:12:22+03:00

Calls for postdoctoral researchers and doctoral students open


Aalto University and the University of Helsinki are looking for postdoctoral researchers and doctoral students to tackle interesting challenges in multiple areas of ICT. The deadline for applications is January 27th, 2020.

Please see the home pages of the postdoc call and the doctoral student call [...]

Calls for postdoctoral researchers and doctoral students open2020-05-27T20:12:46+03:00

AIX Forum: Tekoäly ja julkishallinto


Suomen tekoälykeskus (Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence, FCAI) on tekoälyn osaamiskeskus, jonka Aalto-yliopisto, Helsingin yliopisto ja VTT ovat perustaneet. FCAI on yksi Suomen Akatemian tukemista kuudesta lippulaivasta. FCAI järjestää sarjan tilaisuuksia, joissa keskustellaan tekoälyn soveltamisesta eri aloilla (AIX = AI + ala X). Tässä [...]

AIX Forum: Tekoäly ja julkishallinto2020-05-27T20:13:51+03:00

AI Day 2019


AI Day brings together researchers, companies, students and the public sector involved in the fast-developing field of AI. The event promotes matchmaking, information sharing and cross-border collaboration. Come to learn about the latest developments in AI research and to share your research results or challenging problems that need solving using AI. We will ensure that there is plenty of time for [...]

AI Day 20192020-05-27T20:13:59+03:00

HIIT celebrated its 20th anniversary


HIIT was founded in 1999 to enhance the quality, visibility and impact of Finnish research on information technology. The 20th anniversary gave an opportunity to reflect on the role that HIIT has played at various levels.

The reflections started from the big picture. Collaboration between the two [...]

HIIT celebrated its 20th anniversary2020-05-27T20:14:38+03:00

AIX Forum: Economics and Causal Reasoning


Discovering causal mechanisms that explain observed properties and behaviours in both nature and human societies is a central goal in natural sciences, economics, and many other fields of study. Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence (FCAI) and Helsinki Graduate School of Economics (Helsinki GSE) invite you to a joint informal seminar on causal [...]

AIX Forum: Economics and Causal Reasoning2020-05-27T20:14:29+03:00

Com­puter vis­ion iden­ti­fies ripe fruit and coun­ter­feit drugs


When would this avocado be suitably ripe for making guacamole? Is the drug I bought on my travels to far-off places the real thing or a fake? How big an apple crop are we getting this year? Soon, answers to questions like these will be easily obtained, as computer vision technology developed by researchers will be made [...]

Com­puter vis­ion iden­ti­fies ripe fruit and coun­ter­feit drugs2020-05-27T20:14:49+03:00

European Big Data Value Forum 2019


The European Big Data Value Forum (EBDVF) is the main event of the European Big Data and Data-Driven AI Research and Innovation community. EBDVF2019 aims to continue the success of previous editions, where on average every year around 700 industry professionals, business developers, researchers, and policymakers coming from 40 different [...]

European Big Data Value Forum 20192020-05-27T20:14:56+03:00

Ten research papers from FCAI accepted to the prestigious NeurIPS conference


Research conducted at the Finnish Centre for Artificial Intelligence (FCAI) is well presented at this year’s NeurIPS conference. In total, the conference has accepted ten submissions from either Aalto University or the University of Helsinki. NeurIPS is the largest [...]

Ten research papers from FCAI accepted to the prestigious NeurIPS conference2020-05-27T20:15:18+03:00

MyData 2019


MyData 2019 conference is a place for accelerating global change towards a human-centric approach to personal data. On 25-27 September 2019, some 1000 experts from business, legal, tech and society sectors will gather for the fourth time in Helsinki, with the focus on how to effect the change we need.

» Conference website

MyData 20192020-05-27T20:15:30+03:00