RIOT Summit 2019


Over the last four years, RIOT has been emerged as one of the agile and state of the art operating system for the IoT. The previous Summits were a big success. It’s time to meet again face-to-face!

The RIOT Summit aims for bringing together RIOTers, beginners and experts, as well as people interested in the IoT in general and decision makers who plan to deploy RIOT [...]

RIOT Summit 20192020-05-27T20:15:44+03:00

2019 IJ­CAI-JAIR Best Pa­per Prize


The 2019 IJCAI-JAIR Best Paper Prize awarded article, co-authored by Matti Järvisalo, was selected from more than 250 articles published in the preceding five calendar years in the leading AI journal Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research.

Marijn Heule (now at Carnegie Mellon University, USA), Matti Järvisalo (Constraint Reasoning and Optimization Group [...]

2019 IJ­CAI-JAIR Best Pa­per Prize2020-05-27T20:15:53+03:00

Deep learning model developed by Finnish AI researchers detects diabetic eye diseases accurately


Finnish AI researchers have developed a deep learning system that shows great potential in detecting diabetic eye diseases, which could facilitate doctors’ work and decrease healthcare expenses.

According to the research findings [...]

Deep learning model developed by Finnish AI researchers detects diabetic eye diseases accurately2020-05-27T20:16:03+03:00

Finland offers AI training to inmates


All inmates in Finnish prisons have now access to the Elements of AI online course, a widely popular introductory course on artificial intelligence.

“It doesn’t matter if you’re behind the bars, AI is affecting everyone’s life. There are also important ethical and political questions concerning the use of AI. What we [...]

Finland offers AI training to inmates2020-05-27T20:16:16+03:00

Nordic Five Tech establishes new network for artificial intelligence


The Nordic AI Network aims to make the Nordic region a global hub in AI research, education and innovation.

The Nordic Five Tech alliance of leading technical universities in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden has announced [...]

Nordic Five Tech establishes new network for artificial intelligence2020-05-27T20:16:33+03:00

HICT S5 – Scientific Symposium of the Students, by the Students, for the Students


April 25th, 2019 at 9.00am
in Aalto University CS Building
Konemiehentie 2, Espoo

Have you ever thought of what comes after PhD? Do you know how to survive in industry and academia? Would you like to meet [...]

HICT S5 – Scientific Symposium of the Students, by the Students, for the Students2020-05-27T20:16:49+03:00

FCAI launching a call for exceptional researchers


FCAI is opening a range of research positions for academics and ICT professionals in different levels of their careers. Come and join our vibrant community of leading scientists and companies in creating the next generation of artificial intelligence that is data-efficient, trustworthy and [...]

FCAI launching a call for exceptional researchers2020-05-27T20:17:03+03:00

Prestigious Board of Advisors to support the impact of FCAI


The Impact Advisory Board (IAB) for the Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence, had its kick-off meeting on April 15, 2019. Antti Vasara (CEO, VTT Oy) was selected to chair the board. The other members include Risto Siilasmaa (Chairman of the Board of Directors, Nokia and F-Secure) [...]

Prestigious Board of Advisors to support the impact of FCAI2020-05-27T20:17:10+03:00

FCAI Community is open to researchers interested in developing or applying AI


Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence (FCAI) is one of the six research flagships in Finland. It is both a research organization having a sharp research and impact agenda, and an open ecosystem of researchers, companies, and public organizations [...]

FCAI Community is open to researchers interested in developing or applying AI2020-05-27T20:17:22+03:00

FCAI takes the lead in developing collaboration with The Alan Turing Institute


The recently signed Memorandum of Understanding enables FCAI to take concrete steps towards shared research and translation projects with the Alan Turing Institute. The collaboration centres around the Turing's data-centric engineering programme [...]

FCAI takes the lead in developing collaboration with The Alan Turing Institute2020-05-27T20:17:29+03:00

Cooperation with The Alan Turing Institute is moving forward


In early March 2019, Aalto University, the University of Helsinki and The Alan Turing Institute signed a Memorandum of Understanding, which expresses the desire of the parties to develop their cooperation further. The Alan Turing Institute is the national [...]

Cooperation with The Alan Turing Institute is moving forward2020-05-27T20:17:35+03:00

First FCAI Research Day on 20 March 2019


FCAI will organize its first FCAI Research Day on 20 March 2019 at 9–11 (T1, CS building, Konemiehentie 2, Aalto University). This will provide a good opportunity to learn more closely about FCAI research agenda and to discuss common research interests and ways to contribute to FCAI research programs [...]

First FCAI Research Day on 20 March 20192020-05-27T20:17:42+03:00

Working towards a more diverse research community


The second annual Women in Data Science (WiDS) Helsinki conference was organized in Biomedicum Helsinki on the International Women's Day, Friday, March 8. The conference gathered together researchers, students and representatives from the private and the public sector to learn and discuss the latest [...]

Working towards a more diverse research community2020-05-27T20:17:49+03:00

Computational analysis of large bacterial populations is paving the way for new vaccines


Streptococcus pyogenes, also known as group A streptococcus, is estimated to cause annually 700 million human infections worldwide. Most of these are inflammations of the throat, but the bacterium also causes more serious infections [...]

Computational analysis of large bacterial populations is paving the way for new vaccines2020-05-27T20:17:57+03:00

MIT Professor Tommi Jaakkola shared his wisdom on applying AI in other fields


The Helsinki Distinguished Lecture Series on Future Information Technology got an excellent start for 2019, when the large auditorium of the Otaniemi TUAS building was packed full for Tommi Jaakkola's talk. He is a world class [...]

MIT Professor Tommi Jaakkola shared his wisdom on applying AI in other fields2020-05-27T20:18:05+03:00

FCAI is looking for a manager


FCAI searches for a manager who will take the responsibility of coordinating and managing its administration. The position includes opportunities to participate in planning big research and impact initiatives within the flagship and liaising with both national and international partner companies and organizations. [...]

FCAI is looking for a manager2020-05-27T20:18:12+03:00