Full Stack Open course translated into Chinese by a volunteer

A Chinese software developer came across a course on the web that attracted his attention. He translated the course into Chinese, and now the Full Stack Open course has gained 10,000 Chinese students.
In 2019 Zhang Wei, a Chinese big data engineer, received an email newsletter from a Chinese tech influencer, which included a reference to an online course that sounded interesting. The course in question was Full Stack Open, an online course offered by the University of Helsinki and its partners.

The information came at an opportune time. Having realised in his work that he needed to further his expertise in programming, Zhang Wei was looking for related continuing education opportunities. He took the course and was happy with the experience.

“As the year 2020 was approaching, I noticed that an updated version of the course had been released. The update occurred in conjunction with the Chinese New Year celebrations, and I got the idea of translating the course into Chinese, kind of like in honour of the new year,” Zhang Wei says.

Full stack denotes modern web application development encompassing all parts of programmes and their entire development process. Businesses in the field are keen to hire experts proficient in this area.

Read more here.