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HIIT Open 2018 programming contest


HIIT Open 2018 programming contest 16 teams took part in the HIIT Open 2018 programming contest on 26 May 2018 in Otaniemi. The contest was open to everyone interested in programming and algorithmic challenges – this year we had a record number of participants, ...

Helsinki Di­gital Hu­man­it­ies Hack­a­thon #DH­H18


Helsinki Di­gital Hu­man­it­ies Hack­a­thon #DH­H18 Helsinki Digital Humanities Hackathon #DH­H18 brought together students and researchers of humanities, social sciences and computer science. Digital humanities, as understood here, is about applying modern data processing to solve research questions in the humanities and social sciences. At ...

ICER 2018 Conference in Espoo


ICER 2018 Conference in Espoo ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research (ICER 2018) was organised in Espoo on August 13-15. The conference started with co-located workshops and Doctoral Consortium (DC) on Sunday 12th. A total of 127 participants from 18 different countries attended ...

ALGO 2018 conference in Helsinki


ALGO 2018 conference in Helsinki In August 2018, more than 300 computer science researchers, practitioners, and students from all over the world gathered in Helsinki. ALGO is a premier event in algorithmics featuring the European Symposium on Algorithms and co-locating with 6 specialized conferences and ...

StanCon 2018 Conference in Helsinki


StanCon 2018 Conference in Helsinki StanCon 2018 was oganised in Helsinki on August 29-31. Stan is a probabilistic programming and statistical modeling language used by tens of thousands of scientists, engineers, and other researchers for statistical modeling, data analysis, and prediction. StanCon 2018 consisted ...