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Ma­jor EU pro­ject will har­ness AI and ge­n­om­ics for disease pre­ven­tion


Ma­jor EU pro­ject will har­ness AI and ge­n­om­ics for disease pre­ven­tion

An international collaboration project to develop and implement novel genome-based disease prediction tools has received over 10 million euros from the EU Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation program. The project aims to demonstrate the potential and benefits of powerful artificial intelligence (AI) technologies on the generation of genetic predictive scores and to test their clinical validity.

FIMM High Con­tent Imaging and Analysis Unit joins Euro-BioIma­ging


Euro-BioImaging is the leading European research infrastructure for imaging technologies that have a central role in driving fundamental research and applied innovations in both biological and biomedical research.

High Content Imaging and Analysis Unit (FIMM-HCA) at FIMM Technology Centre has now joined Euro-BioImaging in the Finnish Advanced Light Microscopy Node, allowing it to offer new expertise in high-throughput microscopy.

Euro-BioImaging offers its services via 25 internationally renowned imaging facilities called Nodes, which are located across eleven countries and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory, EMBL.

Video games evoke emotions that even music and cinema fail to reach


Video games evoke emotions that even music and cinema fail to reach

A recent doctoral dissertation shows players appreciate evoked emotional experiences, even when some are far from positive

Traditionally video games have not been thought to evoke strong and deep emotions. However, a recent doctoral dissertation by Julia Ayumi Bopp from Aalto University, showed that video games evoke a wide range of emotions in players[...]