test_News and events

News and upcoming Helsinki ICT events

test_News and events2021-09-27T19:08:22+03:00


Helsinki February Workshop on Theory of Distributed Computing


Helsinki February Workshop on Theory of Distributed Computing 20 researchers working in the area of distributed algorithms met in a HIIT-sponsored research workshop in Helsinki in February 2018. The one-week event organized at Aalto University brought together computer scientists from Austria, Finland, France, Germany, ...

Collaboration with CNR IEIIT on Indoor Localization and Activity Recognition


Collaboration with CNR IEIIT on Indoor Localization and Activity Recognition Indoor localization and activity recognition from WiFi signals is a field of active research in Communication, Pervasive and Ubiquitous computing domains in recent years. Specifically, fluctuation in signal strength, phase and energy distribution over ...

Staff member election to the HIIT Board


The HIIT Board for the next 4 years starting 1.4.2018 will be appointed soon. In a HIIT staff meeting 21.2.2018, the staff elected Antti Honkela as staff representative to the Board, with Matti Nelimarkka as deputy. Antti is an assistant professor at University of Helsinki and Matti is a postdoc at Aalto University.

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