test_News and events

News and upcoming Helsinki ICT events

test_News and events2021-09-27T19:08:22+03:00


AIX Forum: Tekoäly ja julkishallinto


Suomen tekoälykeskus (Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence, FCAI) on tekoälyn osaamiskeskus, jonka Aalto-yliopisto, Helsingin yliopisto ja VTT ovat perustaneet. FCAI on yksi Suomen Akatemian tukemista kuudesta lippulaivasta. FCAI järjestää sarjan tilaisuuksia, joissa keskustellaan tekoälyn soveltamisesta eri aloilla (AIX = AI + ala X). Tässä [...]

AI Day 2019


AI Day brings together researchers, companies, students and the public sector involved in the fast-developing field of AI. The event promotes matchmaking, information sharing and cross-border collaboration. Come to learn about the latest developments in AI research and to share your research results or challenging problems that need solving using AI. We will ensure that there is plenty of time for [...]

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