test_News and events

News and upcoming Helsinki ICT events

test_News and events2021-09-27T19:08:22+03:00


AIX Forum: Economics and Causal Reasoning


Discovering causal mechanisms that explain observed properties and behaviours in both nature and human societies is a central goal in natural sciences, economics, and many other fields of study. Finnish Center for Artificial Intelligence (FCAI) and Helsinki Graduate School of Economics (Helsinki GSE) invite you to a joint informal seminar on causal [...]

ComĀ­puter visĀ­ion idenĀ­tiĀ­fies ripe fruit and counĀ­terĀ­feit drugs


When would this avocado be suitably ripe for making guacamole? Is the drug I bought on my travels to far-off places the real thing or a fake? How big an apple crop are we getting this year? Soon, answers to questions like these will be easily obtained, as computer vision technology developed by researchers will be made [...]

European Big Data Value Forum 2019


The European Big Data Value Forum (EBDVF) is the main event of the European Big Data and Data-Driven AI Research and Innovation community. EBDVF2019 aims to continue the success of previous editions, where on average every year around 700 industry professionals, business developers, researchers, and policymakers coming from 40 different [...]

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