test_News and events

News and upcoming Helsinki ICT events

test_News and events2021-09-27T19:08:22+03:00


RIOT Summit 2019


Over the last four years, RIOT has been emerged as one of the agile and state of the art operating system for the IoT. The previous Summits were a big success. It’s time to meet again face-to-face!

The RIOT Summit aims for bringing together RIOTers, beginners and experts, as well as people interested in the IoT in general and decision makers who plan to deploy RIOT [...]

2019 IJ­CAI-JAIR Best Pa­per Prize


The 2019 IJCAI-JAIR Best Paper Prize awarded article, co-authored by Matti Järvisalo, was selected from more than 250 articles published in the preceding five calendar years in the leading AI journal Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research.

Marijn Heule (now at Carnegie Mellon University, USA), Matti Järvisalo (Constraint Reasoning and Optimization Group [...]

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