test_News and events

News and upcoming Helsinki ICT events

test_News and events2021-09-27T19:08:22+03:00


Computer vision applied to analysis of learning interactions


Computer vision applied to analysis of learning interactions Professor Yu Xiao's group in Aalto ELEC received seed funding from HIIT to initiate multi-disciplinary research collaboration with professor Kristiina Kumpulainen's group at the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the University of Helsinki. The objective is to ...

Foundations of Data Economics explored in a seminar


Foundations of Data Economics explored in a seminar As the first snow of this winter fell and melted away, Aalto University had the pleasure of hosting Dr. Bruno Carballa Smichowski of Université Paris XIII and Groupe Chronos for a Seminar in Data Economics. The ...

Research collaboration with MIPT on Chatbot System development


Research collaboration with MIPT on Chatbot System development Luiza Sayfullina made a 2 month research visit to the iPavlov lab, which is one of the most progressive labs in Russia in Natural Language Processing and Chatbot Systems in particular. The lab belongs to Moscow Institute ...

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